MGPalaeo has an extensive range of data available from the Vulcan Sub-basin, with fully reviewed and revised palynological data (utilizing one consistent zonation scheme), plus standardized lithostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphic picks, and edited wireline logs for more than 180 wells, ensuring your geological models are as accurate as possible.

We also have a comprehensive multi-client core study covering 1.6 kilometres of core from 63 wells, spanning an area from Crux 1 in the South-West to Ludmilla 1 in the North-East.

All well data is currently available in simple data file format (i.e., .dat, .txt, .csv, .las), which can be easily imported into many software programs such as ODM/IC, Petrel, Kingdom, etc.

Contact us and let us know your requirements.

Vulcan sub-basin - MGPalaeo's AUSTRALIS geological database
Wells available from MGPalaeo’s AUSTRALIS geological database in the Vulcan Sub-basin (click to enlarge).


Our multi-client core study covers 1.6 kilometres of core from 63 wells spanning an area from Crux 1 in the South-West to Ludmilla 1 in the North-East.

All cored intervals were reviewed and photographed during which core condition, cored intervals and brief observations of the core were recorded. Existing palynological data over the cored intervals has also been reviewed and refined, and supplemented by analysis of new core samples.

Click here for more information on the multi-client study.

Vulcan Sub-basin Core Study MGPalaeo


In late August 2018, MGPalaeo ran multiple Vulcan Sub-basin core workshops covering key stratigraphic intervals from the Late Cretaceous Puffin Fm to the Middle – Late Triassic Pollard Fm.

A great variation of depositional environments were examined during the first two days covering the Puffin Fm to Lower Vulcan Fm, whilst the older part of the stratigraphy (Elang to Pollard fms) was covered as a single day workshop immediately following.

This workshop can be run upon request.

Click here for more information.

Vulcan Sub-basin Core Workshop MGPalaeo