From Morgan Palaeo Associates to Morgan Goodall Palaeo and finally MGPalaeo, our name may have changed throughout the years but the company is still the same.
Morgan Palaeo Associates started in 1983. Roger Morgan returned to Australia after 4 years working North Sea sections with then Britoil in Glasgow Scotland, to enjoy a country lifestyle with his young family. He worked in a loose association with Barry Ingram, then consulting as Western Palynoservices in Perth, WA and with Robyn Purcell and Lyn Milne, also based in Perth.
From 1989 onwards, Roger worked in close association with Nigel Hooker, commencing rigsite palynology in Papua New Guinea (PNG) in 1990, the onset of numerous PNG wellsite projects for multiple clients, including MIM, Santos, BP, and more. In 2007 Nigel Hooker left the company, with Barry Taylor and Matt Dixon joining to meet the growing demand for wellsite work in PNG, initiated by Oil Search acquiring new acreage. This acquisition led to a close association between Morgan Palaeo Associates and PT Horizon Geoconsulting (formerly Robertson Research Jakarta), which continues to this day.
Post 2007, the group of associates expanded to include Mike Macphail (now Australian National University, formerly Esso Australia), John Filatoff, Roger Brash and Carey Hannaford, with Barry Ingram retiring in 2010. Morgan Goodall Palaeo was formed in 2011 with Jeff Goodall and Roger Morgan as co-directors. Incorporating Morgan Palaeo Associates, the new company expanded further to include Dan Mantle, Marty Young, Adam Charles and John Lignum, with Barry Taylor and Matt Dixon moving on.
After nearly 40 years of stalwart service to the oil and gas industry, Roger Morgan stepped aside as a Director of the company in March 2015. Jeff Goodall also decided the time was right to invite new directors to join the company, allowing him the opportunity to embrace the exciting challenge of guiding Carnarvon Petroleum’s geological team full time. Jeff remains a non-voting Director with MGPalaeo. Furthermore, both Jeff and Roger continue in mentoring roles for the company, helping to provide technical guidance when needed.
Five new directors were appointed from April 2015 (Carey Hannaford, Dan Mantle, Marty Young, John Lignum and Adam Charles). These directors have worked with Jeff and Roger for many years, collectively contributing over 50 years combined experience within the sector, both in Australia and overseas. Thus MGPalaeo continues to operate in the same manner as always and provide the highest calibre palynological and stratigraphic expertise to the Australasian oil and gas industry.