MGPalaeo’s AUSTRALIS® geological database provides the most up-to-date interpretation of geological data that exists, covering almost 3000 Australian wells using one consistent zonation scheme.
“An innovative stratigraphic database that gives the geoscientist the competitive advantage to identify new hydrocarbon accumulations and high grade prospective exploration acreage.” [Carnarvon Petroleum, 2016]
MGPalaeo’s AUSTRALIS geological database contains comprehensively interpreted geological data for all exploration and many development/appraisal wells across the North West Shelf of Australia, plus Perth, Otway, Gippsland, Bass, Canning, and the Great Artesian basins (with more to come).
Whether you are working oil & gas, carbon capture & storage, hydrogen, geothermal, groundwater, or mineral exploration, this is the database for you.
Our Data – a point of difference
While there is a wealth of geological data freely available through government websites (e.g. Geoscience Australia, WAPIMS/NOPIMS, etc.), the AUSTRALIS geological database is the only quality-controlled database containing consistent, fully-reviewed and reinterpreted palynological and lithostratigraphical data, edited wireline logs, and detailed sequence stratigraphic frameworks for all wells from spud depth to TD.
To build accurate geological models, accurate, quality-controlled, and consistent geological data that you can trust is a vital component – and this is only available from MGPalaeo’s AUSTRALIS database.
Read on to learn what differentiates AUSTRALIS from all other databases.
Central to our database, and one of its key advantages that separates it from all other databases, is the strength of the biostratigraphy, a cornerstone to any sound geological model. All available open-file palynological data for every well has been internally reviewed by our team of experienced palynologists, and updated to one consistent zonation scheme, MGP2014. This means there is consistency right across the board with naming conventions, zonal picks, and palaeoenvironmental interpretations.
We have maintained the Formations everyone knows from different basins, but increased predictability by ensuring they fit into a chronostratigraphic framework. We also ensure consistent nomenclature across each basin, and that our frameworks ties into alternative correlation schemes, such as Chemostratigraphy. Lithostratigraphic interpretations are based on our regional understanding, reviewed biostratigraphic data, wireline log data, and core observations (where possible).
Sequence Stratigraphy
A critical piece of this database is the chronostratigraphic framework. The Marshall and Lang (Woodside) framework is generally considered the standard for regional mapping, and this scheme forms the basis of our sequence stratigraphic framework, available for every well. In addition, we also include the Carnarvon Petroleum scheme, which is based on the Santos nomenclature (and the main scheme for the Otway Basin) so that you can easily switch between nomenclatures.
Wireline Logs
A full suite of merged log files (provided in .las format ready for import), allowing easy use in seismic interpretations and geological correlations, are also available. Key data types include gamma ray, sonic, density, neutron porosity and resistivity. Edited logs are available for >88% of wells; editing includes validating the digital logs vs scanned images, splicing, removing any casing affect and bad reading, despiking, renaming logs to unique nomenclatures, and depth matching.
Additional Datasets
The following datasets (provided as .dat, .txt, or .csv formats) are also available. Where this data exists as open-file data requiring no reinterpretation, we have QC’d it for consistency:
- Play Intervals
- Litho Logs
- Deviation Surveys (raw data)
- Check Shot Surveys (raw data)
- Geochemistry (Rock Eval Pyrolysis & Vitrinite Reflectance)
- Conventional core intervals
- Casing Points
- %Helium
- Bottom-hole Temperatures
- RFT shows, and more…
And note that all new explorations wells will be added as soon as they become open-file.
Datasets are available in tabulated format (i.e., .dat, .txt, or .csv as required), with log data provided as .las format. These formats can be easily imported into many software programs such as ODM/IC, Petrel, Kingdom, etc. Alternatively, we can work with you to ensure the data is formatted in the way that works best for importing into your internal database.
The database is available in its entirety or as data subsets that best fit your needs (i.e., the Otway Basin, a Vulcan Sub-basin pack, a Beagle & Bedout sub-basins Triassic pack, or even just as a single well). Contact us and let us know your requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions
This dynamic database is constantly being reviewed and updated as new data becomes available; each data point is checked by skilled geologists before being incorporated into the database. The incorporation of high resolution localized palynological events to improve well-to-well correlations is one such addition.

Originally commissioned by Carnarvon Petroleum over a 12 month period between 2016-2017, this ground-breaking database was to provide the latest interpretation of all available open-file stratigraphical data from all exploration wells across the Carnarvon, Roebuck, Browse, and Bonaparte Basins.
Management at Carnarvon Petroleum saw the advantages the larger oil companies gained from a comprehensive well database. Having confidence in their well data, in particular the sequence and lithostratigraphic picks, meant they could move quickly on seismic interpretations while a good understanding of the regional geology helped to evaluate plays and prospects. As consultant biostratigraphers, MGPalaeo also saw the advantages of having our own database. This has allowed us to refine biostratigraphic zonations by understanding the impacts of facies, biostratigraphic surfaces of regional significance, and identify areas which would benefit from review and infill.
Since these initial days, we have been expanding our database to encompass other basins across Australia, both onshore and off, as well as Papua New Guinea.
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