With few palynologists now directly employed by universities and geological surveys, a much greater demand has been put on industry to support future biostratigraphic research necessary for the continued development of this science. As such MGPalaeo has invested heavily of its time in this area.

Australia has a long and proud history in palynological research, stretching back to the infancy of the science and the pioneering work of Isabel Cookson and Basil Balme in the 1950s and ‘60s. Their work and mentorship inspired the next generation of palynologists, such as Robin Helby, Roger Morgan, Alan Partridge, Peter Price, Geoffrey Playford, and Mary Dettmann, who firmly established palynology as a critical petroleum exploration tool in the 1970s and 1980s. Sustained industry and government support continued this trend, and led by John Backhouse, Clinton Foster, Jeff Goodall, Neil Marshall, Robyn Purcell, and Geoff Wood, palynology as a key exploration tool continued to flourish through the 1990s and 2000s. This growth of industry palynology was of particular importance to developing our understanding of the stratigraphy, tectonic history and depositional environments of the North West Shelf, the Gippsland-Otway-Bass basins of the southeast, the coal bearing Permo-Triassic basins of onshore eastern Australia, and the Perth Basin.
It is critical that Australia retains a solid academic base to support the training of future palynologists and to provide further innovative palynological solutions to geological problems. As such, MGPalaeo was delighted that the University of Western Australia re-affirmed its commitment to palynology with the appointment of Daniel Peyrot to the Woodside & Chevron Professorship in Palynology in 2015. MGPalaeo has offered collaborative and ‘in-kind’ support to Dr Peyrot and is already co-supervising one PhD student looking at the palynology and sequence stratigraphy of the Late Jurassic of the Bonaparte Basin, and working on a short paper detailing as yet undescribed Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous marker taxa of the North West Shelf.
Palynological projects that MGPalaeo is leading or actively collaborating with include:
- Utilising CA-IDTIMS dated volcanic tuff beds to tie palynological zones to the latest geologic timescales [led by Geoscience Australia but involving partners at Boise State University, the geological surveys of New South Wales and Western Australia, and Santos Ltd]. Read the extended abstract here.
- A review of the palynology of the Late Triassic, with particular emphasis on describing the many new dinoflagellate cyst taxa that help recognise the marine flooding surfaces of the Mungaroo Formation [led by MGPalaeo with collaboration from the British Geological Survey].
- High resolution study of the depositional environments across the key Hb4 marine flooding surface of the Mungaroo Formation. Correlating fine-scale sedimentology, ichnology and palynology [led by MGPalaeo].

If you have a research project that we can help with, or if you wish to inquire about what research packages we offer, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
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