Update (February 2019): The newly released core in Roc 2 has been added to this study to increase the understanding of depositional environments of the Triassic in the Bedout Sub-basin.

This integrated core study follows on from our palynological review of the Triassic of the Bedout Sub-basin and combines sedimentological core descriptions with additional palynological analysis to produce depositional environmental interpretations from four wells: Roc 2, Phoenix 1, Phoenix 2 and Bruce 1. A total of 119.38 m of core from Roc 2 and 54.45 m of core from Phoenix 1, Phoenix 2 and Bruce 1 were described and integrated with 31 available palynological core samples from Roc 2 and fourteen new samples taken in Phoenix 1 and Phoenix 2.

Deliverables include:

  • Detailed core description of for all wells (173.83 m)
  • Litho- and depofacies descriptions, including core photography
  • Porosity / Permeability plots for Phoenix 1, Phoenix 2 and Bruce, as well as comparison between Phoenix 1 and Phoenix 2
  • Interpretation of depositional environments
  • Tabulated palynological sample summaries
  • Stratigraphic summary chart for each well including age, palynological zones and events, lithostratigraphy, shifted / unshifted cored interval and depofacies, all set against wireline log data.

For more information on this integrated study, including pricing, please contact us.

Integrated core study of the Triassic of the Bedout Sub-basin, by MGPalaeo