MGPalaeo’s first integrated sedimentological and palynological core workshop last week entitled “Marine and marginal marine incursions over the Mungaroo Formation” was well attended with participants from various sized petroleum companies.
Throughout the two-day course multiple major and minor flooding surfaces of different stratigraphic intervals and different locations on the Mungaroo Delta were discussed by integrating sedimentological, palynological and ichnological datasets, giving the participants a more detailed palaeoenvironmental understanding of the Mungaroo Formation.

After a short introduction into the regional geology the participants had the opportunity to examine the most pronounced flooding surface in the Mungaroo Formation in two separate wells and to compare the differences in sedimentology, ichnology and palynology. On the second day participants were given an introduction into ichnology and palaeoenvironmental implications before being supplied with a grain size card, palynological assemblage data and core logs to make their own observations over different stratigraphic cored successions.
The core workshop was very well received by participants with feedback including:

“The workshop highlighted how powerful biostrat and sedimentology can be when
applied together.”
“The core workshop gave me a new appreciation for all the different types of depositional environments in the Mungaroo Formation.”
MGPalaeo would like to thank the Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) and their core library staff for their assistance and support to allow this workshop to take place.
Missed out on our core workshop? Don’t worry, simply contact us about future core workshop dates.
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