MGPalaeo has a wide range of stratigraphic services available, and a highly skilled team of stratigraphers with experience on Late Paleozoic to Cenozoic material from across Australasia. We can provide high resolution stratigraphic control and palynofacies analysis built upon more than three decades worth of research.
We can also help integrate any palynological data with your current geological models. Although we use MGP2014 as our zonation scheme, we have extensive experience with previous Australian zonations and can work with any preferred scheme, or update your data to MGP2014.
Our close affiliations with external biostratigraphic consultants and sister companies allows us to cover many aspects of age dating, both biostratigraphical (micropalaeontology and nannofossils) and geochemical (Potassium-Argon dating and Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy).
As part of our stratigraphic services, our sedimentological capabilities include detailed core descriptions, wireline log interpretation and image log interpretation. These can be stand-alone projects or integrated with our biostratigraphic services to deliver better stratigraphic understanding and more coherent depositional models.
With many years’ experience on Late Paleozoic to Cenozoic material from across Australasia, our team of in-house and consultant biostratigraphers can provide both quantitative and qualitative palynological analyses to help with all of your stratigraphic problems.
MGPalaeo offers a comprehensive range of sedimentological services leading to a better understanding of stratigraphic development and depositional models. Services include core descriptions, wireline log interpretation, image log interpretation, rock typing, workshops and more.
Our state-of-the-art laboratory can process small to large volumes of samples, from high thermal maturity ones to peaty coal, and everything in-between.
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