Deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is vital to Australia’s long-term economic prosperity and energy security.
[Energy Security and Prosperity in Australia: A Roadmap for CCS]

“Often there’s a lot of good geological data that’s been collected for the purpose of oil and gas exploration, that gives you an enormous head start in terms of the primary data necessary to identify the prospective areas.” Alex Zapantis, general manager, commercial at GCCSI. [Source: Offshore Carbon-Capture Progresses With New Projects]

How Can MGPalaeo Help?

MGPalaeo’s knowledge, experience, and databases covering many onshore and offshore basins across Australia means we are ideally placed to provide vital, quality-assured and consistent geological data to help de-risk subsurface repositories.

Our involvement with CCS projects have been through reviewing legacy data and analysing new samples to refine geological models. However, our areas of expertise and partnerships with third party contractors means we can also offer core logging, rock typing, and petrophysics for a more multi-discipline approach.

Furthermore, we can work with you in the scoping phase of projects, assisting with identifying knowledge gaps and busts in legacy data, while our data management expertise means we can aid in the compilation of databases capturing all available well data.

Our extensive experience and existing databases covers basins crucial to CCS projects, such as (but not limited to):

  • North West Shelf
  • Perth Basin
  • Otway Basin
  • Surat Basin
  • Gippsland Basin
  • Cooper Basin

Contact us and let us know how we can help you.

Previous Projects

MGPalaeo has worked with CarbonNet and CTSCo on CCS projects to date.


The CarbonNet Project is working towards establishing a commercial scale Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) network in Gippsland, Victoria.

‘CCS is being investigated in Victoria, and implemented around the world, because it is recognised as a key climate change mitigation strategy, with the potential to play an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from industry.’


Carbon Transport and Storage Company (CTSCo) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Glencore, one of the world’s largest diversified natural resource companies.

‘The Integrated Surat Basin Carbon Capture and Storage Project aims to assess and, if possible, demonstrate the safety and suitability of CCS in the region.’

“CCS is essential to achieving climate change mitigation targets. It is the only feasible technology that can deliver deep emissions reductions in many industrial processes that are vital to the global economy, such as steel, cement and chemicals production” [Global CCS institute, April 2019]

[The image at the top of this page is kindly provided by Global CCS Institute]